Chesapeake Bay Skipjack

All Blog Posts Tagged 'boat' (35)

9/24/11: Ida May wins Second Place at Cambridge Skipjack Races

The Ida May won second place at the Cambridge Skipjack Races on 9/24/11 in a photo finish.  Captain John Price and the Ida May beat out Lawrence Murphy and the Thomas Clyde by a nose.  It was an exciting finish for the race and it was the culmination of six year's hard work.  The race day gave us light breezes, which favors our light and small boat.  The larger boats with more sail are faster than us, but in a light breeze, we have an advantage.   Many thanks to Capt. Harold Whitelock of the…


Added by ida may on September 24, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

8/18/11: The Mast is Set in the Ida May

We set the mast in the Skipjack Ida May today. Many thanks to Harold Whitelock and his expertise with the heavy machinery.  We are that much closer to having sails on the boat and racing her on Labor Day!

Added by ida may on August 18, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

8/6/11: Mast and Boom Delivery

We delivered the mast and boom down to Scott's Cove in Chance MD and the next step will be to set the mast.  First, though, we will need to work on the mast, get the rigging done, and make the bottom of the pole fancy.  We are inching our way to completion!!!

Added by ida may on August 6, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

7/31/11: Daily Times Article about the Ida May|head



Thank you Brice Stump for writing another great article about the Ida May in the Daily Times!!!

Added by ida may on July 31, 2011 at 9:26am — No Comments

7/30/11: the Launching of the Ida May

We launched the Ida May at Scott's Cove in Chance Maryland today!!!  She is now docked and awaiting the mast and boom.  We are beyond excited.  This was the culmination of 6 long hard years of labor.

Added by ida may on July 30, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

5/28/11: Log Rail

Frank Antes and Gordon, Elbert, and David Gladden worked on the starboard side log rail of the Chesapeake Bay Skipjack, Ida May today.   We feared that bending the salt treated lumber so far would crack the wood in half, and that's just what happened:  the board busted, exploded really.   We lagged and clamped the board to try to bend it, but a whole morning's work went up with a bang. 

Added by ida may on May 28, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

4/30/11: Outer Stem

Frank Antes, Tom Evans, and David, Gordon, and Elbert Gladden work on the outer stem of the Chesapeake Bay Skipjack, Ida May. We get a visit from Reverend Z, the former preacher of the Rock Creek Methodist Church. Watch as we also work on the bowsprit support, get the drill stuck in the wood, and have to use the vise grips to get the bit out. Gordon gets the nickname "Straight Gladden" for his prowess with the drill, but David grabs the moniker "Strong Gladden" for being able to pull the stuck… Continue

Added by ida may on April 30, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Link to Maryland Public Television's Documentary: The Skipjacks

Here's the link to MPT's Special:  The Skipjacks, A Look At the Chesapeake Skipjack's Legacy


Captains Art Daniels and Harold "Stony" Whitelock are featured among others.  The Ida May even makes a brief cameo, sitting dry dock at Scott's Cove.



Added by ida may on April 14, 2011 at 8:20pm — No Comments

4/2/11: Mast Step and Knees

Tom Evans, Alain Pratte, Gordon, David, and Elbert Gladden work on the mast step and the mast knees.

Added by ida may on April 2, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

3/12/11: Inner Stem

Frank Antes, Tom Evans, Cody Donalds, and Elbert, Gordon, and David Gladden work on the inner stem of the skipjack Ida May.  The stem fits great, or as Tom said, "She fits like a glove."  Gordon gives Elbert a socket wrench that doesn't work very well and Elbert tells Frank to throw it in the river.  This was a big job and we are happy to be over this hump.

Added by ida may on March 12, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

3/5/11: Pulling Nails

Gordon, David, and Elbert Gladden and Cody Daniels pull large, rusty boat nails out of oak wood of the Ida May's deck. Pulling old nails out of oak wood is not an easy task. The oak grabs the nails and holds them fast. After we finish tearing off the deck, we will replace it with deck boards and then marine plywood.

Added by ida may on March 5, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

1/17/11: Delivering the Cabin

Frank Antes, Tom Evans, Eldon Willing, and Gordon and David Gladden deliver the skipjack Ida May's cabin to Scott's Cove in Chance MD from Frank's wood shop in Tyaskin, MD.  We built the cabin in the wood shop during the cold winter and now deliver it home to Chance.  After we install the deck on the Ida May this spring, we will put the cabin on the boat.  But that's a long way off!!!

Added by ida may on January 17, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

12/17/10: Working on the Cabin at Frank's Woodshop

Gordon, Elbert, and David Gladden, along with Frank Antes and Tom Evans, work on the Ida May's cabin inside Franks' warm wood shop.  Winter has chased us indoors and we appreciate Frank for letting us use his shop.  Notice how long the steel rods are that we have to drive into the sides of the cabin.  Nothing is easy.  Lucky we have a Dewalt Rotary Hammer to drive the rods down.  Once the rotary hammer drives the rods down deep into the wood, we use the sledgehammer and the 4 pound maul to… Continue

Added by ida may on December 17, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

William Kavanek (Fine Art Painter of the Ida May): In His Own Words

William Kavanek (1924-2008) was the preeminent fine art painter/interpreter of the Chesapeake Bay Skipjack Ida May.  He was a carpenter for most of his life, working with Edward Tschauder and also with Walter Skor.  Always having an art interest, and with no formal training, he began a successful career as a full-time artist in 1978, specializing in marine art.  He became fascinated with the Chesapeake Bay oystering industry in general, and with this one skipjack boat in…


Added by ida may on December 12, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

12/4/10: At Scott's Cove/Delusional

Elbert, Gordon, and David Gladden and Tom Evans work on the starboard side rail of the Ida May. Elbert's back was hurting him today; all that bending over and sawing with the circular saw. He's a real magician with the saw, though.  Notice on the video how Elbert had to cut a difficult curve in wood.  No straight pieces here!  During fruit break, Gordon and Elbert discuss the 57 Chevy's they both owned and how things are different now than they once were.… Continue

Added by ida may on December 4, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

12/1/10: At Beauchamp's Lumber

Gordon and David Gladden and Frank Antes go to Beauchamp's Lumber near Pocomoke, MD to have a taper and an angle cut on a long, thick piece of oak wood.  This piece of oak will become the Ida May's stem piece.  Mr. Scot Beauchamp owns a hydraulic saw, known as the "Wood Mizer," and he really knows how to handle it.  We saved ourselves a lot of work by coming to Beauchamp's to get our stem cut.  He operates out of an old chicken house. 

Added by ida may on December 1, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

11/13/10: Replacing Deck Boards

Gordon, Elbert, and David Gladden and Tom Evans replace deck boards on the Ida May.  Wesley Price comes down to supervise the action.  Unfortunately, we left a tube of the 5200 caulk in a cold place and the caulking solidified in the tube, making it impossible to squeeze out. We know now to leave the caulking in a warm location.

Added by ida may on November 13, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

11/6/10: Cabin Demolition

Elbert, Gordon, and David Gladden tear the rotten cabin off the Skipjack Ida May. The Gladdens are turning into quite the demolition crew. Tara took off today so David did was forced to do double duty as videographer and laborer. David had difficulty doing both jobs, and the footage shows, but he still captured enough to make an interesting 10 minute movie. Tom and Frank were out of the area and not able to work this Saturday.  The Ida May is looking less and less like a…


Added by ida may on November 6, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

10/30/10: Stem and Davits

Elbert, David, and Gordon Gladden and Frank Antes tear out the stem piece of the Ida May. The old piece (which might be an original from 1906) will be saved and used as a template for the new stem, which will be cut from a solid piece of oak. The stem is (at the bow of a vessel) an upright into which the sidetimbers or plates are jointed. Gordon and David also remove the davits from the stern of the boat. The davits are two large, goose-necked pieces of steel that are used to suspend and…


Added by ida may on October 30, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

10/23/10: Stem and Bowsprit

Gordon, Elbert, and David Gladden, along with Frank Antes and Tom Evans, work on the Ida May on a cool but comfortable fall Saturday. Everybody works on a different part of the boat. Frank and Gordon tackle the starboard sides and Tom paints the starboard rails that will go back on the boat once the sides are complete. Elbert and David, to their dismay, find that the stem piece in… Continue

Added by ida may on October 23, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

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